Container Garden Share


Save 30% on your garden seedlings with a seedling CSA share!

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This size is a good option for those with limited space or time.  it is a wonderful way to get into gardening if you are new to growing your own veggies!

This share includes the following:  6 mixed lettuce, 2 patio slicing tomatoes, 2 cherry tomato, 6 chard, 6 kale, 1 hot pepper, 6 bell pepper, 6 eggplant, 2 parsley, 2 basil, 1 chives, 1 Rosemary, 3 additional cutting herbs of your choice.  See our full plant offerings list for options  Retail value of $85. Cost of share $59 savings of 30%.

We believe strongly in the CSA model of farming and have been offering this to our community since 2011.  In return for pre-purchasing one of our plant shares, you receive heavy discounts off of retail pricing.   We use organic soils and fertilizers and do not apply pesticides of any kind.  We are certified organic with Baystate Organic Certifiers.  Our focus is on open-pollinated and heirloom varieties.  We do offer several tried and true hybrid varieties as well.  Choosing cultivars that perform well in this growing climate is a priority.greenhouse at Windy Ridge

How does it work?

You sign up by April 15th.  We do all of the growing and tending for you and you receive your plants during mid May.  Pickups occur at the Pittsfield Farmers Market, at the farm, or we can deliver directly to your garden. (delivery fees apply)  You are allowed to select your own varieties within each plant category.  Substitutions can be made if you are not fond of certain vegetables, just let us know via email.