CSA Share Contents Week 3

Things are staying busy here at the farm!  Here is this week’s harvest for you:

Broccoli- Lots and lots of broccoli.  Cook with a bit of water then puree with salt and pepper for a simple soup that is great warm or cold.  You can use this as a base as well for more complex dishes.  Add your favorite seasonings with  milk and cheese. (and beer for Cheddar Ale Soup!)

Kale- Curly kale this week, I find this variety to work best for Kale Chips. Rub EVOO on a baking sheet.  De-stem the kale and spread on sheet.  Sprinkle with Salt or any other desired seasoning.  Bake at 350 just until crisped. 

Collards- One of my favorite greens, so beautiful this time of year. Don’t forget to add Lemon, Garlic and Sesame Oil.

Salad Mix   Image

Garlic Scapes

Fresh Garlic-  Use the freshly picked bulbs as you would garlic.  The skin will come off all at once as it is not cured yet. 

Radishes- Easter Egg Mix

Salad Turnips- Once again, you can cook these in a stir fry etc or you can eat them raw.  They seem to retain more of their great flavor when you leave them raw. 

Pickling Cucumbers- The “Adam Gherkin” Pickling cuke from our hoop house.  These little cucumbers are spiny and full of that moist, crispy flavor experience that happens only when you eat a fresh picked cucumber. Enjoy these as a snack just as they are.

Parsley-  Add to your Broccoli Soups and salads!

Coming Soon- Summer squash, more beets and Radicchio!  Maybe new potatoes next week?  

Farm Activities:  More Sweet Basil, Rosemary and Parsley went into the ground this week.  We also seeded more Salad mix.  The fall planting of brassicas is sizing up in the greenhouse and will be put out in a few short weeks.

  Our flock of 28 chickens is in full egg production mode.  If anyone would ever like to purchase eggs for their share let us know and we will add them to your box.   Eggs are $5/dozen.   These Rhode Island Reds are free range and fed only certified organic grains.  Our boys love the daily egg hunt at the farm! 

Enjoy your harvest for the week.  We love to hear about any new recipes you come up with for all of these veggies so let us know when you discover something delicious!   Don’t be afraid to use the internet to eat.  There are an incredible amount of online recipe databases so don’t let your summer cooking fall into a rut.  Now we just need to stop laboring on the farm before dark so our family can eat something more complicated than salad for dinner.  🙂 

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